Why Does My Breath Smell Bad, And What Can I Do About It?

Why Does My Breath Smell Bad, And What Can I Do About It?

December 1, 2022

Your breath could be the initial sign of something happening within your body that needs attention. Many people are unable to smell their breath. Coping with bad breath or halitosis can be embarrassing and distressing. However, maintaining dental hygiene and sticking to your scheduled dental cleaning in the Bronx, NY, can help eliminate halitosis.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Almost 90 percent of bad breath originates from the fetid-smelling by-products of bacteria inside the mouth, according to “Characteristics Of 2000 Patients Who Visited A Halitosis Clinic,” published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. The by-products release odors like rotten eggs that make your breath smell bad.

The most significant mouth part known to encourage mouth odor is the tongue. This organ forms a perfect place for bacteria accumulating on its surface, feeding on dead cells, sinus ooze, saliva proteins, and fluids from untreated gum disease. The bacteria in the tongue’s back area can form a biofilm that affects the breath. You can fix this problem by brushing the tongue, often emphasizing the underside and back areas of the tongue.

Other causes of bad breath are:

Eating garlic and onion that add sulfurous tones to the breath for about three days from food leftovers.

Tobacco smoking that makes mouth smell linger around

Pus arising from oral infections

Having hard-to-reach areas within the mouth where your toothbrush cannot clean

Advancing gum or periodontal disease, which presents with pockets in the gums

Improperly cleaning braces, dentures, dental implants, and other restorations.

A dentist can help catch these odor-promoting elements and fix or remove them. The dentist can help customize your oral hygiene regime to minimize malodor and improve your oral health.

The Case of Morning Halitosis

Also known as morning breath, morning halitosis is bad breath in people when they wake up. It occurs when your saliva flow stops or slows while sleeping. Saliva is considered a natural mouth cleanser. It sweeps out food particles and dilutes acids. Without saliva, these processes slow down or stop, food particles become fermented in the mouth, and bacteria accumulate to cause smelly breath. You must brush regularly and floss before heading to bed.

Stress, fasting, anxiety, blood pressure-reducing medication, antidepressants, alcohol, and caffeine can also reduce saliva flow in the mouth, contributing to halitosis. See a dentist near you if you are experiencing morning breath to find out the cause and offer the right treatment.

What About Bad Mouth Odor Even After Brushing?

If you are constantly asking yourself, “Why does my breath smell bad even after brushing?” you may want to know that various things could be the culprit. Brushing twice daily is crucial in preventing bacteria accumulation, which leaves sulfur compounds responsible for your bad breath. Nevertheless, brushing may not cure all incidents of bad breath. Mouth odor may linger around due to numerous things, including:

Cavities and Gum Disease – Cavitated teeth make it easy for bacteria to dodge toothbrushes. Those bacteria lurking inside the cavity will be hard to reach and remove. Odor-causing bacteria can hide within cavernous gum pockets arising from gum disease. Periodontal or gum disease is a contributor to bad breath. It also brings about tooth loss.

Dry Mouth – Saliva helps control the bacteria amount in the mouth. When you have a dry mouth, it means no adequate saliva is produced. As a result, bacteria can build up.

Smoking – If you smoke, you often experience bad mouth odor due to tobacco that remains in the mouth. The habit also heightens mouth dryness, increasing the danger of gum disease. Both conditions can contribute to foul breath.

Some Health Conditions – Diabetes, bronchitis, kidney disease, peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and intestinal blockage can alter bacterial levels within the body. They can also change chemical levels in the bloodstream, affecting your breath’s smell.

What To Do If You Struggle with Bad Breath

Drinking plenty of water, maintaining good oral hygiene, and avoiding tobacco can help with bad breath. Chewing sugar-free gum can also temporarily ease bad breath since it helps increase saliva production. Regular dental visits are paramount in keeping mouth bacteria at bay. Visit BX Dental if you have a persistent bad mouth odor to identify the cause and determine ways to fix it.